Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday Afternoon Grooming Update
Yesterday Gene ran the roller around the trails doing a pre packing, and a bit later Dave and Ken worked long into the night grooming. Ended up with many machines stuck and had to walk out around 11PM!
This morning they were back up there, getting things unstuck, restarted, etc and by mid day had a nice set of classic tracks put in down to the "Coat Tree" so the entire trail is groomed for classic and skating and looks very good for the duration of the weekend, nice and wide.
Thanks to Gene for pre-rolling yesterday and to Dave and Ken for a great job of grooming: very wide and flat, and a very nice set of classic tracks!
Only caveat, it looks like the first day of the annual January thaw up there, so there will be icy tracks tomorrow needing a klister base for those of you doing classic.
Reminder, if you haven't yet renewed your membership now is the time! Probably the most and best snowfalls weve had in years and much packing and grooming for your enjoyment. So go to and pull down a membership form and help us out. LANB just gave us a big loan to buy our big new grooming snowmobile, and we need lots of help paying that down!
Thanks, Tom Berg
Saturday Grooming Report
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday afternoon update
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday Trail Report
Trail Report:
Packed powder. Inner trail system, inner meadow, and lower road groomed for skating. Caution for potholes and ruts caused by grooming equipment in deep snow, particularly around switchbacks. Ken
Saturday, January 23, 2010
New Club Direction/ New Grooming Equipment

Well, those of you who havent heard, the club is going through a bit of a difficult time this winter. The spirits were low, the equipment took another dive, same people were getting overworked, community support/trail respect was low and the board has even considered a grooming strike trying to get the community to take notice and help us out. All that got turned around with a very fiery response from the board. After all, we all want to ski! And we have trails so close! And we've worked so hard to get here! After a few meetings we have discussed the immediate steps for a PR push to get community support and possibly start getting important things pushed through like acquisition of rental fleet in town or at the trails (will take a while, dont get too excited :) and more. We have really high hopes that this big push will pay off. And so far, things are happening like you wouldnt believe!!! First of all, meet Pablo! That's right, thanks to some brainstorming by the board, foot work with the bank, co-signing and paperwork from our club treasurer Paul, we are now proud owners of a brand new fancy-a$$ snowmo!! And, yes, his name is Pablo... :)) I dont know the specs, if one of the groomer guys wants to chime in on that topic, please do. I'm sure the rest of the club techies will want to check it out. Anyway, it will alleviate a whole lot of work on our groomers with a warranty and service contract in SF and shorter grooming time. Meanwhile, look for articles on our work and club in the Monitor as well as in SF and Albqq publications (we are still working on which). We will be starting a fundraising drive (our 501c3 status is pending!!!) shortly to help us pay for the snow mo as well as get more in the bank to allow for more breathing room and so time for putting on more events on our trails and generally more fun for all :). What you can do to help right now, is to watch for the fundraising request/info emails and blog posts and tell EVERYONE about our trails. Bring friends up here, refer people to our site, encourage them to try nordic skiing etc. We are working with USFS on multiple improvements including installing equipment to do a more sophisticated trail use count (we've had vanloads of people from SF and Albqq on a weekly basis!) and that may qualify us for some grants. We are looking for help everywhere! If you are interested in helping out more actively like leading an effort to mark a new snowshoe trail (very helpful! even the short piece Paul, Tom, Dave and Donna added this winter got us quite a few thank yous and donations!!), interested in grooming, good at working with grant applications, marketing ideas/connections, community education ideas etc. please email Stay tuned to the site and blog for changes and updates! Yay for all the snow! Dina |
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Trail Conditions: update
Monday, January 18, 2010
Santa Fe Snowshoe Classic race report 1/9/10

As such, intrepid race hater Paul and I trekked up to the norski area in Santa Fe last weekend for the Santa Fe Snowshoe classic. This was my third time doing the race. The last two times were pretty successful with me taking third in the 5k in 2006 and 4th overall in the 5k in 2004.
click here to read the rest of the race report over on moscaline
Chama Chile Classic
We had a great turnout for the race.... there must have been 10 or 12 of us at the start, all wearing Dina's SWNSKI red jerseys. Clay blazed to an amazing 1st overall finish as a number of more mortal SWNSKI's took their age groups........ They had over 100 preregistered for the race, and it was very well run.
Thanks to Clay, Denny and Dave the grooming was 1st rate (with help from the Pagosa groomers and, I think also groomers from Alamosa).
I hadn't skiied up there in more than 10 years and had forgot just how beautiful a nordic venue it is.
PS: Clay took VERY good of us waxwise... his suggestion to use blue klister covered with VF45 was right on, and we had good kick and good glide on very old coarse snow; the snow quality reminded me of my younger days skiing in Maine!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Thursday Evening trail conditions
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Grooming Updates
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday Evening trail conditions
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday Evening Trail Conditions
SWNSKI Pajarito trails PM update.... classic and skating were very nice beyond Point B, very little glazing in the track, was able to wax with VF40 (cold violet). Tracks were mostly hard "styrofoam", and skating looked good too, this cool weather is really keeping things from wearing down. Lower road was good too, but the meadow trails are of course blown in.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
skate clinic Saturday, 9 January
SWNSC and Kisiel Koaching present
Ski Skating Clinic
Saturday, January 9th, 10AM – Noon
Taught by PSIA Licensed Instructors
Ken and Jessica Kisiel
Skate Video Clinic by KisielKoaching. Located at Camp May Road and the Pajarito Nordic trails
Intermediate to Advanced skill level.
FREE for SWNSKI Members & $20 for non-members, which includes a free SWNSKI membership.
No pre-registration.
Skating equipment is required.
More info at www.kisielkoaching.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
Trail/Grooming report 1/1/10
All trails, except the little cutoffs were bladed and have fresh classic track set. Some got a final grooming job, but not all. The lower road was in the best shape, but there were a lot of snowshoers and dogs out there when I was finishing up, so it'll be chewed up somewhat by tomorrow.
I groomed a new meadow loop from the top of the trail system. It's not the full outer loop, but it's a nice little addition for now, until we get more snow. We'll use it in the club training time trial.
Plans are to regroom tomorrow afternoon to clean things up and let it set up overnight.
Try to make it out Sunday if you can. It should be a lot of fun.