Thursday, March 3, 2011

Skiesta/Pinhead challenge update

From organizers Jean and Karen

Skiesta is on for Sat 3/12 at Pajarito Mountain! There should be an
announcement in this weekend's LA Monitor and on the web site.

There isn't sufficient snow to pull off the Pajarito Pinhead challenge . . .
. so, Karen Hill and I are going to try to offer an up/down snowshoe race.
Most probably on the Wildcat slope.

Here is how it will go

Registration: 10 am - 11:45
Snowshoes available to rent at the Walkup Center (LA County
pool) for $5 at 10 am on Saturday
Meet at the deck on the lodge at noon for racer briefing
(we'll have to walk up to Wildcat for the start)
Race will be to the top of Wildcat and back to the bottom.

We'll make a final decision on Friday 3/11 . . . .if we have a huge melt
off, there is a chance we won't be able to do it.

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