Monday, April 30, 2012

Pics from the 4/21 work party

Taking down the shade fencing
The shade fence was taken down, Clay went off into the yonder to cut trees down with Kermit. Sanna, Clay and John avoided being photographed. A good time was had by all.
Taking down the shade fencing
Thanks to all the volunteers, groomers, members and skiers for the great season, see you when the sunfencing goes back up this fall.
Taking down the shade fencing

Friday, April 20, 2012

Trail Work Session Tomorrow Morning

We'll have an easy, 3 hour trail work day on Saturday, 10AM at the trail....  this will be April 21st.

We'll be taking down all the plastic sunfencing that kept the snow shaded this past winter.

Because of the fire last Summer we had to put up more fencing than normal ($2500.00 worth!) and so we have more to take down, so we'd love to have a big turnout for this one.

Please join us!


Tom Berg